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petrapersonally — Glowtober

The Glow Tonic Challenge Recap

2017 beauty Brighten complexion essentials exfoliate Fall glow tonic Glow Tonic Challenge Glowtober Master Class October Pixi Beauty pixi by petra Skincare Skintreats Toner Tips & Tricks

The Glow Tonic Challenge Recap

Earlier this month, we introduced a very special contest for you all: the #GlowTonicChallenge. I have loved seeing all of your Pixi perfect glows & hearing about how Glow Tonic has changed your lives. You have made my Glowtober that much brighter, so thank you all for taking part in this challenge! Let’s take a look at some of my favourite glowing entries.  Also, read on until the very end, as we have an exciting announcement to share! Why We Love Glow Tonic Reading the stories about how Glow Tonic has transformed your skin made me think back to when...

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The Glow Tonic Challenge

2017 beauty Brighten complexion exfoliate Fall glow tonic Glow Tonic Challenge Glowtober Master Class October Pixi Beauty pixi by petra Skincare skintreats Tips & Tricks Toner

The Glow Tonic Challenge

Happy #Glowtober! Everyday, we get messages from our lovelies sharing how the award-winning Glow Tonic has changed their skin, and their lives. With ginseng & glycolics and botanical extracts working together, your skin will feel toned and clean with a single sweep of this must-have Skintreat! This month, we have a very special challenge for you all that will wipe away dullness from your skin & reveal a radiant glow like never before. #GlowTonicChallenge Do you want brighter skin? Achieve the Pixi Glow your skin deserves by taking our #GlowTonicChallenge and enter to win a YEAR’s supply of Glow Tonic!...

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