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petrapersonally — acne|breakout prone skin|cassandra bankson|ipsy by generation beauty|ipsyos|multibalm|palette rosette|Pixi Beauty|pixi by petra|skin problems|skin treats|skintreats|ultimate beauty kit

Perfect Blush for Problem Skin

acne|breakout prone skin|cassandra bankson|ipsy by generation beauty|ipsyos|multibalm|palette rosette|Pixi Beauty|pixi by petra|skin problems|skin treats|skintreats|ultimate beauty kit Master Class|Tips & Tricks

Perfect Blush for Problem Skin

Every day, I see and hear from you -- women enjoying my Pixi products. Some are working mums, like I am, who use a few essentials for a quick  makeup-to-wakeup look. Some of you lovelies talk about falling in love with our Skintreats line, which changed your skin for the better. With Thanksgiving already here, I’m more than grateful that Pixi is on that journey with you! Cassandra Bankson has had Pixi by her side throughout her journey with acne. Beautiful Cassandra helps spread an important message that remains one of our core missions with every Pixi product that we...

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